Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Bank PO Reasoning Chapterwise Solved Papers


The present book for Bank PO Reasoning Previous Years, Solved Papers (2000-2017) has been divided into 19 chapters namely Analogy, Series, Classification, Alphabet Test, Number Time Sequence Test, Coding-Decoding, Sitting Arrangement, Inequality, Blood Relation, Direction Test, Input-Output, Ranking, Syllogism, Puzzle, Data Sufficiency, Data Analysis, Statement Assumptions, Statement Course of Action and Statement Arguments. Each chapter in the book contains ample number of solved previous years, questions asked in the last 17 years, (2000-2016) Bank PO examinations. The questions asked in previous years, Bank PO examinations have been solved in detail with explanation wherever required. The book also contains highly useful study material to help aspirants learn the concepts comprehensively. Also unsolved practice exercises have been provided at the end of each chapter to help aspirants revise the concepts covered in each chapter. The book also contains five practice sets designed according to the current syllabi of the Bank PO recruitment examinations. With over 4000 previous years, solved questions, this book covers questions asked in previous years, examinations like SBI PO, IBPS PO, Nationalised Bank PO, Insurance Sector Exams, etc. The book also contains 2016 Solved Papers of Bank PO examinations to help aspirants get an insight into the recent examination pattern and the types of questions asked therein.

  • As the book contains ample practice material in the form of previous years, solved papers, it for sure will help aspirants score high in the upcoming Bank PO Examinations.

IBPS CWE-VII Bank PO (PO/MT) Preliminary Examination 2017


The present study guide for IBPS CWE-VII Bank PO/MT Preliminary Examination has been divided into three parts namely English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability. Each section covered in the book has been sub-divided into number of topics as per the syllabi of IBPS CWE-VII Bank PO/MT Preliminary Recruitment Examination 2017. Ample number of solved problems have been provided in each chapter. The solved problems have been designed on the lines of questions asked in previous years’ IBPS Bank PO/MT CWE. The questions covered in the book have been solved in detail for effective understanding of the concepts on which the questions are based. Unsolved practice exercises have also been provided at the end of each chapter to help aspirants practice and master the concepts discussed in each chapter. The book also contains 2015 and 2016 IBPS Bank PO/MT Solved Papers with detailed and authentic solutions to help aspirants get an insight into the recent examination pattern and the types of questions asked therein. Also, five mock tests have been provided at the end of the book to help aspirants self-analyze their level of preparation for the upcoming IBPS Bank PO/MT Examination.